Reference Materials

Industry Insights for Reasonable Security and Appropriate Risk

Case Studies

Case studies and best practices of cyber security engagements. Insights learned throughout the scope, inventory, assesssment, validation, remediation process.
  • Cyber Security Case Study: When Ransomware Attacks and You Don’t Have Documented Data Inventory

    HALOCK partnered with a Manufacturing company to recover data exfiltrated from a ransomware attack and implemented controls to help inventory, backup, and protect assets from future security incidents.

    Blue Cyber Security Case Study Ransomware Missing Data Inventory
  • University PCI Compliance Case Study

    HALOCK partners with a research university to conduct a comprehensive PCI DSS project to ensure compliance.

    Blue PCI Compliance Risk
  • Ransomware Case Study: Exfiltrating Remote User Accounts to Inject Ransomware

    How a manufacturing company contained and eradicated a ransomware cyber attack and further mitigated their risk.

    Ransomware Risk Case Study
  • PCI DSS Retail Case Study Security Policy & Practices

    During a PCI Assessment for a global retailer, HALOCK discovered and helped resolve significant breakdowns in security policies and practices implemented at the stores and mitigate risks.

    PCI DSS Retail Risk
  • Penetration Testing Case Study

    Retail Penetration Testing Case Study

    pen test case study and risks
  • Cyber Security Summit Chicago Presentation - CIS RAM: This Math will Save You

    Access the presentation file from the Cyber Security Summit Chicago session - CIS RAM (Risk Assessment Method): This Math Will Save You

    CIS RAM Duty of Care Risk Analysis
  • HALOCK CASE STUDY Not All Vendors Are Created Equal A Case Study In Penetration Testing

    A major university located in the Midwest was interested in comparing HALOCK’s penetration testing services to those of a competitor to see if there were any material differences.

    Blue Third-Party Vendor Risk Case Study
  • HALOCK CASE STUDY ISO 27001 Is Good Security and Good Business

    When a multi-state law firm decided that securing their highly sensitive information and information systems was critical to their success, they turned to ISO 27001.

    Blue ISO 27001 Case Study


Step-by-step checklists, assessments and guidance on HIPAA, compliance, security engineering, pen testing, privacy (CCPA), third party vendors, and incident response concerns.
  • CCPA Privacy Cyber Security Checklist

    Review your security readiness with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) Privacy Checklist.

    HALOCK Cyber Security CCPA Privacy Checklist
  • HALOCK Third Party Risk Management (TPRM) Workbook

    Third Party Risk Management (TPRM)/Vendor Risk Management Workbook

    Blue Checklist for Third-party Risk and Vendor Risk Management
  • Duty of Care Risk (DoCRA) Checklist for Reasonable Security

    Define reasonable security for your organization. Determine if your risk assessment meets Duty of Care and is DoCRA compatible.

    Cyber Security Checklist Duty of Care Risk
  • HIPAA Compliance Risk Assessment Checklist

    Whether you're implementing a new HIPAA security program or managing an existing program over time, it can be helpful to use a checklist to make sure you're covering all of the necessary steps.

    HIPAA Cyber Security Checklist Blue
  • HALOCK Incident Response Plan Security Checklist

    Have an incident response plan in place before you experience an incident. Be sure that your IR plan includes the following 10 items to ensure the incident response progresses as smoothly as possible.

    Orange Incident Response Plan Checklist
  • FastStart Vendor Risk Management Checklist

    HALOCK’s FastStart Vendor Risk Management (VRM) Checklist allows organizations to initiate a formal VRM Program and get started immediately!

    Blue Checklist Vendor Risk Management
  • HALOCK 10 Must-Have Capabilities of Best-In-Class Pen Testing Providers (Pen Test Checklist)

    Keeping Security Awareness top-of-mind in your organization is crucial. Use this pen testing checklist as a reference to ensure that the proper practices in your organization are being met.

    Blue Penetration Test Checklist


Purely educational, these tools, guides, and workbooks walk you through key cyber security topics you need to know, including PCI compliance, HIPAA security rule, penetration testing, third party vendor risk and more.
  • 2024 HALOCK Annual 10-K Survey

    The 2024 HALOCK Annual 10-K Survey is a publication by HALOCK Security Labs and Reasonable Risk that tracks how well public companies describe their cybersecurity programs in Item 1C of their 10-K disclosures.

    2024 HALOCK Annual 10-K Survey
  • (ISC)2 Security Congress | The Questions a Judge Will Ask You When You are Sued for a Data Breach | Getting to Reasonable Security

    What is reasonable security? This presentation references case law, regulatory oversight and the Center for Internet Security Risk Assessment Method (CIS RAM). CIS RAM is based on the Duty of Care Risk Analysis standard ( and is recognized by attorneys, regulators and interested parties for its ability to demonstrate reasonable implementation of controls.

    (ISC)2 Cyber Security Data Breach Risk
  • CCPA Applicability, Requirements Security Compliance

    Midwest Cyber Security Alliance (MCSA) reviews the California Consumer Privacy Act CCPA to understand the potential penalties and risks of noncompliance.

    California Consumer Privacy Act CCPA Compliance Risk
  • How is PCI Enforced?

    Unlike most regulations you may be familiar with, the PCI DSS is enforced by contract - here is a quick look at the process; learn more about how you can be PCI compliant and manage risk.

    PCI DSS Requirements Risk
  • HCCA Webinar: Duty of Care Risk Analysis

    Duty of Care Risk Analysis How to define “reasonable” security controls that makes sense to business, judges, and regulators. Design and run a risk assessment that is meaningful to technicians, business, and authorities. Learn from case studies involving regulatory oversight, law suits that happened, and law suits that never happened

    Blue cover deck of regulatory compliance services and risk analysis
  • CCPA Quick Reference Card Reasonable Security

    Your quick look at the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) for reasonable security.

    California CCPA Orange Blue
  • HALOCK TPRM Interactive Workbook

  • Adopting Duty of Care Risk Analysis to Drive Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC)

    Business decision-makers juggle countless variables and make risk decisions using “due care” and “reasonableness.” Learn best practices on how to apply duty of care to your specific organization.

    Blue DoCRA cover Duty of Care Risk Analysis
  • The Industry Risk Assessment Disconnect and the Solution

    industry risk assessment
  • HALOCK Information Technology Risk Assessment

    Is Your Organization Exercising “Due Care”?

    Information Security Risk Assessment
  • The Guide to PCI DSS 3.1

    PCI DSS 3.1 further clarifies the changes made in PCI DSS 3.0 by addressing 30 clarifications to existing requirements, four guidance points that serve to improve understanding of the requirements.

    PCI DSS Compliance Guide Cyber Security
  • The Guide to PCI DSS 3.0

    The changes in PCI Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) 3.0 focus on some of the most frequently seen threats and risks that have led to cardholder data breaches.

    PCI DSS v3.0 Guide Cover
  • The Guide to PCI DSS 3.2

    The PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) in PCI DSS v3.2 is requiring that all versions of SSL and TSL version 1.0 must be disabled. In order to be PCI DSS compliant you must be utilizing TLS 1.1 at a minimum, (although TLS 1.2 is highly recommended). This mandate was originally slated for implementation by 2016 but due to the burdensome impact to organizations, the PCI SSC extended the timeline to June 30, 2018. The PCI DSS applies to all organizations receiving credit card payments for goods and/or services (merchants) and any third party service providers for PCI DSS merchants. This guide helps users through the new requirements.

    PCI DSS v.3.2 Cyber Security Guide
  • Vulnerability Assessment Services Frequently Asked Questions

    There is a great deal of information and misinformation in the marketplace with regard to exactly what penetration testing is and what you should expect from a penetration testing company.

    Keyboard Pen Test Guide Cover
  • The Best Guide to the HIPAA Security Rule You'll Ever Read

    If you have some responsibility in your organization for complying with the HIPAA Security Rule, then this guide is for you.

    guide to the HIPAA security rule

Industry Insights

Real-world examples and articles written by leading cyber security experts. Conference and event presentations on hot topics of our industry.
  • Techniques to Evolve Risk Governance - How Executives Make Informed Cyber Decisions

    Informed Cyber Decisions
  • Understanding the Impact of the SEC Cybersecurity Rules

    SEC Cyber
  • PCI Webinar Series 3: PCI DSS 4.0 Requirements Due by March 25

    PCI Webinar
  • A Deep Dive into the New 4.0 DSS Requirements that are Applicable Immediately

    From the PCI Webinar Series - A review of the 14 new requirements that are effective immediately for any PCI DSS 4.0 validation.

  • Preparing for Your Transition to PCI DSS v4.0

    Learn about the general changes to PCI DSS 4.0, new requirements, best practices, and how an increased focus on risk evaluations in this new version will be a driving force for security and compliance.

    PCI Compliance
  • Cybersecurity Regulatory Law Dates HALOCK Calendar 2023

    Reasonable Security
  • InfraGard SuperCon: Getting to Reasonable - What regulators and judges want to see from every organization

    Are you prepared to show your security program was reasonable and appropriate? Until recently the definition of “Reasonable Controls” and “Acceptable Risk” has been vague and left up to the security and risk practitioners in each organization. The regulator, judge, or other interested party wants to understand; “why you did not have that particular control or configuration in place?” Having the calculus to demonstrate your understanding of the foreseeable harm that could come to you and others and how you were planning on addressing the reduction of impact or probability is what the interested parties want to see.

    InfraGard Reasonable Security
  • Cyber Security Summit Threat Forecasting: Using Open Source Data to Foresee Your Next Breach

    We forecast cybersecurity events not to predict the future, but to change it. Regulators and litigators all hold us accountable for knowing foreseeable threats so we can avoid them. But what is foreseeable? And how do we evaluate risks knowing what is foreseeable? This session will demonstrate how open source information can help you prioritize your cybersecurity efforts, and demonstrate that you were being reasonable even if a breach does occur.

    Cyber Security Threat Forecasting Risk
  • Cyber Security Summit Presentation: CMMC and CCPA. Using Duty of Care Risk to Comply With New Challenges

    CMMC and CCPA are very different requirements that push security organizations in new directions. CMMC is specific and for the DoD supply chain. CCPA is generic and for any organization with certain personal information. But both specific and generic security requirements are difficult to comply with. During this session we will show you how Duty of Care Risk Analysis can help you move from either generic or specific requirements to “reasonable” security controls that regulators will understand.

    CMMC CCPA Security Risk
  • Is There Such a Thing as Reasonable Privacy?

    "A Privacy Guide: Is There Such a Thing as Reasonable Privacy?" on how to implement privacy reasonably and mitigate risk.

    CCPA Data Privacy Security Risk
  • (ISC)2 Security Congress | The Questions a Judge Will Ask You When You are Sued for a Data Breach | Getting to Reasonable Security

    What is reasonable security? This presentation references case law, regulatory oversight and the Center for Internet Security Risk Assessment Method (CIS RAM). CIS RAM is based on the Duty of Care Risk Analysis standard ( and is recognized by attorneys, regulators and interested parties for its ability to demonstrate reasonable implementation of controls.

    (ISC)2 Cyber Security Data Breach Risk
  • Reasonable Security The Questions a Judge Will Ask You After a Data Breach

    This presentation helps establish reasonable security by reviewing judicial balancing tests, how they relate to regulatory definitions of “reasonable” risk, and how to conduct risk assessments that prepare you to answer the tough questions before you need to be asked.

    HALOCK Reasonable Security Questions A Judge Asks After A Data Breach
  • CCPA Applicability, Requirements Security Compliance

    Midwest Cyber Security Alliance (MCSA) reviews the California Consumer Privacy Act CCPA to understand the potential penalties and risks of noncompliance.

    California Consumer Privacy Act CCPA Compliance Risk
  • How is PCI Enforced?

    Unlike most regulations you may be familiar with, the PCI DSS is enforced by contract - here is a quick look at the process; learn more about how you can be PCI compliant and manage risk.

    PCI DSS Requirements Risk
  • HCCA Webinar: Duty of Care Risk Analysis

    Duty of Care Risk Analysis How to define “reasonable” security controls that makes sense to business, judges, and regulators. Design and run a risk assessment that is meaningful to technicians, business, and authorities. Learn from case studies involving regulatory oversight, law suits that happened, and law suits that never happened

    Blue cover deck of regulatory compliance services and risk analysis
  • Adopting Duty of Care Risk Analysis to Drive Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC)

    Business decision-makers juggle countless variables and make risk decisions using “due care” and “reasonableness.” Learn best practices on how to apply duty of care to your specific organization.

    Blue DoCRA cover Duty of Care Risk Analysis
  • The Questions A Judge Asks You After A Data Breach

    Compliance Week Webinar: The Questions A Judge Asks You After A Data Breach and your security risks.

    judge data breach risk
  • SANS Security Leadership Poster 5 Keys for Building a Cybersecurity Program & CIS Controls and CIS Risk Assessment Method (RAM)

    SANS Security Leadership Poster 5 Keys for Building a Cybersecurity Program & CIS Controls and CIS Risk Assessment Method (RAM)

    Cyber Security SANS CIS RAM
  • Multi-Factor Balancing Test: 8 Questions a Judge Will Ask You after a Data Breach

    The 8 Questions a Judge Will Ask You after a Data Breach. Define your acceptable level of risk with a duty of care risk assessment.

  • HALOCK Article If HIPAA Seems Too Hard

    In 2012, OCR and their audit partner KPMG set out to assess 115 organization and test a new HIPAA audit program, and to see what the current state of HIPAA compliance was.

    HIPAA Cyber Security Article
  • HALOCK Cyber Security Ransomware Article

    Staying ahead of security threats is no easy task. One threat that should definitely be on your radar is ransomware.

    Keyboard Ransomware Cyber Security Article
  • HALOCK Article A Judge Approved a Lawsuit Against Target

    Business and legal journalists have been expressing disappointment at Judge Paul Magnuson’s decision to allow third party banks to sue Target Corp after their cardholder data breach.

    Cyber Security Lawsuit Article on Target


A visual overview of cyber security trends, news, industry in infographics.

  • Security Awareness Not so fast . . .

    Cyber Security Risk Fast Pace Remote
  • 8 Questions a Judge Asks you after a Data Breach Infographic

    Judge Data Breach
  • Your Employees are Targets: Social Engineering Infographic

    Your employees are targets of social engineering; teach them to be secure with this cyber security awareness poster.

    Orange Cyber Social Engineering Infographic
  • Healthcare & Data Breaches Infographic

    Data breaches in the healthcare industry

    Infographic on Data Breaches in Health care
  • Data Breaches & Marketplace Reputation Infographic

    Do data breaches impact marketplace reputation?

    Infographic Data Breaches Reputation
  • SOCIAL ENGINEERING: The Human Element Infographic

    Secure your team from social engineering with this cyber security awareness poster.

    Blue Social Engineering Poster


Our cyber security solutions to evaluate, build, or enhance your safeguards and controls to define reasonable security and strengthen risk management.
  • Security Maintenance Program

    Maintain Your High Standards. Expand the expertise, support, operations, and analysis to a dedicated Security Maintenance Team.

    Cyber Security Maintenance
  • Cyber Security Awareness Training

    Security awareness training is an integral part of your security program; it is your company’s first line of defense in protecting its valuable corporate assets and helps manage risk.

    HALOCK Cyber Security Awareness Reasonable Risk
  • Threat-Based Security Architecture Review & Analysis

    Are you prepared against common attacks in your industry? Streamline your security architecture review workflow with Threat-Based Security Architecture Review & Analysis and manage your risks.

    threat based security architecture risk
  • PCI DSS Compliance Information Security

    The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) specifies technical and operational requirements for all organizations that store, process or transmit credit card data. If you handle credit card data, then PCI DSS applies to you - achieve PCI Compliance with HALOCK and mitigate your risks.

    PCI Compliance Security Risk
  • COMPLIANCE Solutions

    Regulations, such as the HIPAA Security Rule, CCPA, GDPR, PCI, DSS, Gramm-Leach-Bliley Safeguards Rule, Massachusetts 201 CMR 17.00, 23 NYCRR Part 500 (NYDFS), and many other regulations require reasonable security safeguards to achieve compliance.

  • Web Application Penetration Test Cyber Security

    Protect one of the leading sources for data breaches. Are Your Critical Web Applications Protected? Conduct Web Application Pen Testing to ensure your safeguards are effective and mitigate your risk.

    Web App Pen Test Security Risk
  • Social Engineering Penetration Test Cyber Security Risk

    Remote social engineering penetration testing validates the effectiveness of user security awareness, incident response, and network security controls. Ensuring your teams understand your processes help manage your risk. Conduct a social engineering pen test regularly.

  • HALOCK Information Security Cyber Security Reasonable Risk

    An overview of HALOCK's information security services: Security and Risk Management, Compliance (HIPAA, PCI DSS, Privacy, CMMC-readiness), Penetration Testing, Incident Response & Forensic Services, Workforce, Security Engineering and Products. HALOCK offers recurring and ongoing security programs as well as standalone services.

    Cyber Security Risk Management Compliance
  • Wireless Penetration Test Security Risk

    Are Your Wireless Networks Secured? Wireless penetration tests assess the adequacy of multiple security controls designed to protect unauthorized access to wireless services. Test your wifi and wireless networks to mitigate risk.

  • Internal Network Penetration Test

    Internal network penetration tests are more thorough than automated vulnerability scans in that comprehensive testing efforts focusing on exploiting weaknesses with the intent of gaining access to assets positioned within the private network.

    network penetration testing risk
  • External Penetration Test

    External Penetration Tests are more thorough than automated vulnerability scans in that comprehensive testing efforts focus on exploiting weaknesses with the intent of gaining access to the environment.

    external network pen test
  • Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM) & Vendor Assessment Services Overview

    Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM) & Vendor Assessment Services to help mitigate your risk.

    TPRM Vendor Risk Management
  • Incident Response Readiness (IRR) Essentials

    The Incident Response Readiness (IRR) Essentials Package provides you with all of the elements to develop your company’s incident response readiness program quickly plus a consulting team to help you navigate your specific technical questions throughout the process. You receive Incident Response Program components with directions, templates, cyber security training, and advisory services that guide you along the development process.

    HALOCK Reasonable Security Incident Response Readiness (IRR) Essentials
  • Penetration Testing Methodology

    Industry pen test methodology

    Pen Test Methodology
  • Penetration Testing Report & Deliverables

    Report, Summary, Detailed findings, Walk-throughs, Supplementary information, Post-testing activities, Remediation.

    Penetration Test Report
  • Penetration Testing Project Plan

    Penetration Testing Methodology & Project Plan

    Penetration Testing Project Plan
  • Penetration Test HALOCK Reasonable Security

    Internal and External Network, Web Application, Internal Wireless, Social Engineering, Remediation Verification, and Recurring Penetration Testing to verify if your security controls are effective.

    Penetration Test
  • Risk Management Program Brochure

    Learn how HALOCK’s Risk Management Program can help you reach and maintain acceptable risk and reasonable security.

    Risk Management
  • CIS RAM v2.1 Brochure

    CIS RAM Reasonable Security
  • Privacy Compliance CCPA and Reasonable Security Risk Analysis

    Establishing reasonable security controls for privacy compliance defined by regulatory requirements such as CCPA and The SHIELD Act. Practice Duty of Care (DoCRA) as defined by your mission, objectives, and social responsibility.

    Data Privacy Compliance CCPA, Reasonable Security Risk Analysis
  • Incident Response & Forensic Services

    Incident Response Readiness services include development of the Incident Response Plan (IRP), Incident Response Team Training, First Responder Training, an Incident Response (IR) Technology Review, a Threat Hunting service, and a Service Level Agreement for Live Incident Response to help mitigate your risk.

    Incident Response Forensic Risk

White Papers

In-depth reports on various cybersecurity topics written by recognized authorities.
  • CRAIN'S Cybersecurity Roundtable
