Be cyber security awareness champion like the English and French bulldogs! If you follow these cyber security tips, Bully for You!

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Be Tough Watchdogs
If there is an unfamiliar person trying to enter your office, ask if you can help them. Bad actors try to slip through the cracks by blending in with the crowd at a busy entrance, where people hold the doors open for their colleagues. Keep watch over suspicious behavior and verify with identification badges.

Be Courageous
Should you get an urgent email or message from an ‘executive’ asking you
to do a highly unusual transaction, such as changing vendor payment to another bank account, verify that request. It may be a phishing email – one that appears to come from your boss.
Check the email by hovering over the FROM name to see the actual email address. Chances are, the domain name is fake. Don’t be afraid to validate the request with a phone call to the executive.

Be Adaptable
As busy as you are, always make time for processes that can enhance your security. Update your system and patches when prompted, don’t put it off till later. Ensure you have different passwords for each account. Regularly back up your files in the event of an incident.

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French English Bulldogs Cyber Security Awareness Champion Breed