Darrell Issa Just Learned the Difference Between Compliance and Security. Let’s Hope for a Payoff.
Darrell Issa’s House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform has been busy looking into the security of the healthcare.gov website and its connected systems. (more…)
‘Malware’ has come a long way – next-gen malware. From merely annoyance applications coded by bored engineering students for notoriety all the way to professionally developed stealth applications for financial gains and stealing state secrets. According to Verizon’s 2012 Data Breach Investigations Report, 69% of the breaches were attributed to (more…)
March 1 – Your Vendor Contracts Were Supposed to be Updated
The Massachusetts law 201 CMR 17.00 that forces US organizations to protect the PII of Massachusetts residents went into its final enforcement phase on March 1, 2012. By that date, no exceptions, businesses that send Massachusetts-based PII to vendors (service providers) needed to require in providers’ contracts that they will also abide by the law. (more…)
Benefits of ISO 27001 Certification
ISO 27001 is the formal set of specifications against which organizations may seek certification of their Information Security Management System. The intent is to bring information security under management control and to instill process into an organization. While most companies have an IT and / or an information security department, best practices of an Information Security (more…)
Data Classification
Data Classification – Determining what constitutes “sensitive data” is usually not a difficult thing for most people. For me personally, it would be my social security #, my account information – banking, credit card information. And, sadly as the years go by, my birthdate is getting to be more sensitive… (more…)