Cindy Kaplan2024-08-13T18:31:57+00:00Tags: Compliance, cyber, HIPAA, Incident response, PCI, PCI Compliance, PCI DSS, Resource, risk, security|
Why Sensitive Data Scanning is so Important Today
Organizations have a lot of data; more (more…)
Does CCPA Affect You? What the 2020 Deadline Means for Reasonable Security
The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and (more…)
Clarifying the new PCI DSS 3.2 Requirements for Service Providers
The process of securing cardholder data is (more…)
Version 3.2 of the PCI DSS to be Released in Q2, ARE YOU READY?
Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) by Viviana Wesley, (more…)