Do you ever log into an application and it asks you to change your password for what feels like the 5th time this month – what is your password management? In actuality, it hasn’t been 5 times in a month, more likely a quarter has past, and the application is triggering you to change your password for security reasons.
So you type in something you’ll remember – typical passwords include name of first pet, your own last name switched around somehow, your nickname, your loved one’s nickname, etc. Strong passwords need to be of a certain length, incorporate some other keyboard characters – !, @, #, $, %, etc., maybe some numbers.
And, though it would be much easier to remember, they cannot usually be similar to previous passwords used. Passwords should be memorized, not written down anywhere. And certainly not written down on a post-it note and stuck to your monitor or under your keyboard! (Yes, we know you do this.) It’s the first place a social engineer looks.
Here’s a short video about strong passwords you might find helpful:
So, keep your passwords strong! And no post-it notes!
Nancy Sykora
Sr. Account Executive