Requirements & GAP Assessment

Close the Gaps in Your Cyber Security Obligations


Review Your Security Responsibilities

Information is a regulated asset just like energy, food, currency and others. A growing number of cyber security laws, regulations and standards may apply to your organization. Does the HIPAA Security Rule apply to you? How about PCI DSS, Massachusetts 201 CMR 17.00, SOX Audit Standard 5 or FISMA? Do you have contractual obligations regarding security with your customers and partners?

Leveraging our extensive knowledge of the security industry, HALOCK identifies which requirements apply to your organization; we conduct a series of interviews with key personnel and review existing contracts and documentation to determine all applicable security constraints and gaps. We then harmonize those requirements — identifying the strictest rule in each security domain — so you know exactly what your obligations are.

In addition, HALOCK can help you determine your current state of compliance regarding an individual requirement or all identified security obligations. Our gap assessments survey your people, processes, documentation and technologies to determine the nature and magnitude of your compliance with applicable security requirements. We identify the gaps and provide you with a roadmap to close those gaps over time.

Security Program Review and Development

To achieve any goal, you must have a well-articulated plan. Effective security management is no different. To succeed in managing security in your organization, you need a sufficient security management program consisting of integrated projects and processes designed to protect your critical assets.

HALOCK’s security program review and development process looks at all facets of your security efforts and profile with the goal of enhancing existing security controls and identifying recommendations for improvement. By interviewing key personnel and reviewing system documentation and configurations, HALOCK determines your current security program’s health and provides insight on how to improve your program and ensure that it aligns with your business objectives.

Do you feel that your security program is lacking? Do you need to articulate an effective security program? HALOCK helps you develop a security program plan that is custom tailored to meet your unique business goals.


The HALOCK Security Briefing is a review of significant events, trends, and movements that will influence how you manage cybersecurity, risk, and compliance. Our clients receive periodic overviews with an extensive report file on the topics discussed. This insightful document also includes reference links throughout the report for easy navigation and deeper research.

Try a comprehensive approach to risk with our Risk Management Program.

HALOCK, a trusted cybersecurity and risk management company headquartered in Schaumburg, IL, near Chicago, advises clients on reasonable security programs throughout the US.

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