Governance & Risk Management

Data Classification

sensitive data


Data Classification – Determining what constitutes “sensitive data” is usually not a difficult thing for most people.  For me personally, it would be my social security #, my account information – banking, credit card information.  And, sadly as the years go by, my birthdate is getting to be more sensitive… (more…)

Best Practices Series: Virtual Networking for VMware

Best Practices – A growing number of organizations are now standardizing in a virtualized server deployment and they want to consolidate servers that belong to different trust zones. A trust zone is loosely defined as a network segment within which data flows relatively freely, whereas data flowing in and out of the trust zone is subject to stronger restrictions. The introduction of virtual technology does (more…)

Configuring Log Event Source Series – IBM AIX

Welcome to our first post in the series of configuration instructions in enabling monitored systems to send system logs to a central logging server.

This configuration instruction contains the following information for configuring an IBM AIX event source. The tested platform is based on IBM AIX version 4.x and 5.x (Security and Authentication messages only).

By default, an AIX system will not (more…)

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