Data Lost. Love Lost. Connecting at a Risk. Online connections bring wonderful surprises (more…)Cindy Kaplan2025-02-06T21:13:01+00:00Categories: Security Awareness, Vulnerability Management|Tags: App, heart, love, online dating, privacyaware, valentine|
HALOCK Commits to Data Security as a 2022 Data Privacy Week Champion (more…)Cindy Kaplan2024-07-03T17:57:45+00:00Categories: Privacy|Tags: privacyaware|
DATA PRIVACY DAY IS JANUARY 28, 2019. #PrivacyAwareHALOCK proudly supports data privacy and security as a (more…)Cindy Kaplan2024-08-13T16:24:55+00:00Categories: Security Awareness|Tags: data privacy day, national cyber security awareness, privacy and security, privacyaware, stay safe online|