Author Archives: Cindy Kaplan

HALOCK Supports Women’s Career Growth at WiCyS

Viviana Wesley, Managing Consultant at HALOCK, is used to being one of few women specializing in cyber security. But last week, for a change, she wasn’t alone. At the Women in Cybersecurity (WiCyS) Conference in Chicago, she was one of nearly a thousand participants from industry, academia, and areas of research who gathered for the organization’s fifth […]

What are Smishing Attacks and why are they Increasing?

Two things are inherently true when it comes to cyber criminals.  The first is that they follow the money.  This is why ransomware grew to a billion dollar business overnight.  The second is that like water, their efforts flow towards the path of least resistance.  Cyber criminals are like many people, they go for the […]


Another day, another cyber threat discovered.  Last week the world was introduced to yet another cyber menace referred to as Jen-X.  No, not Generation-X, JenX, a new botnet that offers DDoS attacks for hire.  Dubbed JenX, the new botnet is recruiting IoT devices and is marketing its ware over the Internet , openly offering up to up to […]

8 Things to Help Make This Year’s Penetration Testing a Success

8 Things to Help Make This Year’s Penetration Testing a Success – From a macro point of view, 2017 was a rough year when it comes to cyber security.  As spring turned into summer last year, we watched the WannaCry and NotPetya malware viruses implement global infestation, creating lost productivity that negatively affected both quarterly earnings […]

March 1 – Your Vendor Contracts Were Supposed to be Updated

The Massachusetts law 201 CMR 17.00 that forces US organizations to protect the PII of Massachusetts residents went into its final enforcement phase on March 1, 2012. By that date, no exceptions, businesses that send Massachusetts-based PII to vendors (service providers) needed to require in providers’ contracts that they will also abide by the law.

SAFE Data Act moves one step closer to becoming law

The SAFE Data Act has taken another step towards becoming the nation’s first federal breach notification law.  And as the bill proceeds through the legal process, a debate begins to emerge (imagine that!).  There is a lot of noise being made about the fact that the bill requires notification within 48 hours of a breach.