Tag Archives: reasonable risk

Sedona Conference Just Leveled the Playing Field with Reasonable Security

To the corporate CISO cybersecurity breaches are a one-two punch. The first punch is, of course, the attack or mistake that caused the breach. Nobody wants to be caught unprepared, or to be the cause of harm to anyone who may be exposed by a breach. The second punch, so say the statistics, is the […]

CIS RAM Workshop: Making CIS RAM Work for You

This two-hour workshop will demonstrate how to conduct a risk assessment – from beginning to end – using CIS’ new risk assessment method. A brief introduction to CIS RAM’s foundations will be followed by example walk-throughs of developing criteria for assessing and accepting risk, for evaluating current controls for risk acceptability, and for modeling safeguards […]

NIST Cyber Security Risk Management Conference – Reasonable Risk

NIST Cyber Security Risk Management Conference – Reasonable Risk. Our partner, Chris Cronin will be speaking with  Phyllis Lee of the CIS (Center for Internet Security).