Cindy Kaplan2024-07-02T18:39:06+00:00Categories: Incident Response, Vulnerability Management|Tags: risk, threat|
Types Of Common Malware Attacks
Malware remains a massive security problem, costing companies billions (more…)
Skimming the Surface of Information Theft in 2020
Social distancing may have limited (more…)
Why Financial Institutions Need Pen Testing 2020 and Beyond
The year 2020 will (more…)
HALOCK Pandemic Breaches Bulletin: When Ransomware Has Captured Data … But We Don’t Know What That Data Is
During the pandemic HALOCK and the information (more…)
10 Years of Malware and Threats
Again, from a Dark Reading article, Microsoft Studies (more…)
Incident Response — The Changing Face of Malware
When someone says “you have malware”, what do you think of? (more…)