Sensitive Data Scanning as a Service (SDSaaS)
What Non-Public Data Do You Have and How Do You Manage It?
With this sensitive data scanning program, you are assured of visibility and status of your critical data through:
- Data Classification and Tagging
- Active monitoring and alerting
- Weekly reporting of data violations
- Monthly solution tuning
- Remediation of sensitive data identified
- HALOCK-managed scan monitoring and reporting
- HALOCK-managed tool maintenance
Benefits to Your Team:
- Identify where sensitive data is located in the organization
- Monitor and alert on violations respective to sensitive data
- Repeatable process that can expanded across the enterprise and to acquisitions
You can also opt for a one-time or periodic sensitive data scan.
The HALOCK Security Briefing is a review of significant events, trends, and movements that will influence how you manage cybersecurity, risk, and compliance. Our clients receive periodic overviews with an extensive report file on the topics discussed. This insightful document also includes reference links throughout the report for easy navigation and deeper research.