Author Archives: Erik Leach

4 Important Steps to Take When Creating an Incident Response Plan

By Erik Leach, CISSP, SCFImagine coming home and finding your house broken into and some of your belongings missing.  As you totter from room to room, you would probably feel anger, frustrated, disturbed and a little overwhelmed.  At a vulnerable moment such as that, it probably would not be the best time to engage in […]

Why the Meltdown/Spectre Vulnerabilities are Important to You

Two distinct vulnerabilities dubbed Meltdown and Spectre potentially affect almost every system1.  In a world that is already saturated with cyberattacks and vulnerabilities, it is easy to succumb to cyber threat fatigue when discussing two new outbreaks.  Even though there have been no confirmed reports of attacks that have taken advantage of these newly exposed […]


By Erik Leach 2016 has proven to be a banner year for Ransomware.  The year kicked off with a series of ransomware attacks on a trio of hospitals including the well-publicized incident at Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center which forced its IT staff to shut down the network while coerced administration officials agreed to pay a […]

Proven Ways to Combat Ransomware

Proven Ways to Combat Ransomware. Ransomware stole a lot of headlines in 2016 and rightfully so. Every type of organization was afflicted by its intrusion this past year, even healthcare. With revenues of over $18 million dollars in 2015, it’s a safe bet that Ransomware isn’t going anywhere in 2017. That’s because it is highly […]

All Done with Shellshock? Get Ready for the Next One.

Why read another article on the Shellshock bug when there have been a number of well-written articles and blog posts on it? Because almost all of the articles and blogs are talking about the bug itself, how it can be exploited, and how much of the Internet is open to it. However, what you should […]

“The Walking Dead” and Windows XP

The IT world is preparing for one of its highest profile deaths on April 8th, 2014. Microsoft will be discontinuing security updates and technical support for Windows XP and its variants. Microsoft will not mourn, as their call to action is to migrate off of one of its most popular consumer operating systems in history.